Guiding Statements
The Hutchins School’s Guiding Statements affirm who we are and what we stand for, and form the foundation for the . The Guiding Statements are reviewed and ratified annually by the School Executive and ultimately by the School Board. The Guiding Statements remain central to everything we do and stand for as The Hutchins School community.
To provide an inspirational education where each student strives to achieve their personal best and is willing to serve their community as an informed and active citizen.
Hutchins is an Anglican school whose supportive learning community works together to nurture character of boys.
As a community, we aspire to be people of integrity who act with humility, kindness, courage and respect.
A Christian life, as a response to Jesus Christ, is commended and encouraged at Hutchins. We express our Christian values in welcoming and respecting members of all faiths, beliefs and traditions.
Vivit Post Funera Virtus – Character Lives on After Death. What you do matters.